Trust Your Intuition

I am in Helsinki and the clock is at 16h52.

I am sitting here and thinking, and reflecting about people. I’m testing my little knowledge of humanity.

One thing that keep comes back to me. And that is my intuition. Every right judgment I have ever made about people was from my instinct. And every wrong judgment I have ever made was based on other people’s advice.

What I have learnt: Disregard other people’s advice and trust your own one. I distrust scholars, writers, self-help gurus, experts, teachers, preachers, journalists and politicians.

For God’s sake trust your own intuition.

Roamers Think Like Good Generals



The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.—Sun Tzu

Roamers think like great military generals. They study. They start with the geography. They read the history and religion of the land. They immerse themselves with the literature. They identify some of the heroes of the country. Thus, they understand the basics of the land. 

(There are differences between roamers and travellers).

They plan. They calculate things. They attain the necessary information in order to undertake their plans. They are decisive. They take action. When they are unsure whether to roam or not, they always roam.

When I had decided to go and live in Estonia for three months, I I had to study Estonian history, religion, literature and geography. These subjects have helped me to roam smoothly and communicate with the locals. Females were happy to learn that I was familiar with their past and heroes. 

Estonians and Finns are nationalists. Thus, they would like to hear an expat who happened to be a black guy talking about their culture. 

In Estonia, most females are familiar with their literary heroes unlike Anglo-Saxons. Almost everyone is familiar with Tammsaare’s giant work titled “Truth and Justice” and “Kevada” by Oskar Luts. They read these books at school. 

I was amazed how I could connect with the locals by citing their writers and some period of their history. 

Because I’ve taken some methods of great generals like Fidel, Che, Stalin and Napoleon. (Before you talk about Stalin’s or Napoleon’s crimes which I condemn, you must also cite the crimes of times if you care about humanity; the genocide in Palestine, Bush’s and Blair’s, Obama’s Clintos’ and so on.)

Fidel, Che, Stalin and Napoleon could have been great roamers if they had not been generals and commanders! It is because roaming requires planning, calculation and embracing failure at all times. 

To sum up, what I’ve been saying so far. A great roamer starts with the geography. He or she studies the map. Then he studies the history, religion, literature and socio-economic of the country he wishes to go to.