The More I get Older…


“In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows. Nature says, — he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature

NATURE- The more I get older the more I’m drawn into nature. I walk away from man-made technology, including persuasive communication.

Nature and just old plain truth appeal to me, tremendously.

Publishing My “Finns Explained” Book



“The unlike is joined together, and from differences results the most beautiful harmony.” 


I’ve just completed my concise book titled “Finns Explained.” It is different from the most books on the Finns. 

I pay attention to the every day people and their every day activities. In preparation for my book, I have spoken to 1000 people in Helsinki. This is what makes it so different from the books on Finland and Finns. My knowledge is from firsthand. Further, I have read Finnish literature and commercial books. In addition to that, I’ve watched documentaries on life and education in Finland. 

I have paid much attention to the smallest details. I have asked myself—why is the Finnish lift too small? And why are the Finns reserved? 

It took me back to the Finnish history pages in order to understand dozens of questions. 

Now, the book is complete. What is the second stage? I must publish it so put it where people, who want to know something real about Finland, can see it. That is my task now. 


I must design the book cover because I want this book to be my all-creative book. PhotoShop is my tool. I have to 

Colours: Yellow or green? Why? Green is my favourite colour. It is the colour of nature, trees, grass, vegetables and so on. It is good for the eyes. Having said that, green is not the right colour for my book cover at this occasion. 

Yellow is a bright colour. It demands attention. A book with yellow cover caught my eyes in 2016. It’s called “The Habit of Achievement” by Bernard Roth. It is a good book. 

Unlike the Britons, Finns like bright colours. For that reason, my book cover is yellow with black font. 

Images? There will be no photos. 

That is it for today! 

Stay tuned

Publishing My “Finns Explained” Book

Episode #1


Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

— Omar Khayyam


I am going to be posting seven steps of becoming a self-published author. I will be starting from scratch so, others will witness the process. Perhaps it will be useful for someone else.

For me, coming up with ideas and creativity, and talking to people were the easy part of the book process.

From the start, I’d always worried about the publication. Now, I must face that fear.

The next step is designing the cover of my book!




#1 RELATIONSHIP: The question on the mind of people is: will he or she hang around for one more year? 

After three years, things fall apart for the most people. Because trust is an issue among males and females of today. 

                                  MALES AND FEMALES DO NOT  

                                 UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER IN OUR TIMES.

Why? Because social engineers (marketers, advertisers, publicists, politicians, authors, journalists and celebrities) have been bombarding us with movies and novels for decades. Thus, most people believe what they watch on television (movies) or read from popular novels books. 

Of course, the love versions of the Hollywood movies and popular novels are illusion. 

Solution: Trust is the key to fulfilling relationship. So, build up trust every day. Be careful with the celebrity culture and throwout your television sets. Beware of social media information. Trust your own instinct. Trust your own ideas about love and courtship. Treat your man/lady with respect. Above all, be patient when he or she makes a mistake. 


#2 WORK: There is no financial security in this economy. Most people are working class and they exchange labour for wages. Thus, they struggle to make ends meet. Hence, they develop depression and stress.

                                                          THERE IS NO CERTAINTY IN JOBS!

Solution: The only way to financial security is to create opportunities. Start your own business. Most giant businesses of our times began in a small way. If you have a hobby, turn it into profit. 

                                                        FORGIVENESS IS EVERYTHING!


#3 HATE: Although Finland is not at the same stage as England, Germany, Holland, France, Hungry, Austria or Sweden, the refugees and Muslims face hatred almost on a daily basis.

The right wingers and their sympathisers use stats to justify for their prejudices against disorganised communities aka Muslims, Africans and Latinos. 

Solution: Be nice to those who despise you and be patient in difficult times. After all, things get better after a while.


Life shouldn’t be this way. A girl shouldn’t be worried about whether her lover is going to stay with her or not or wether she will be out of work in a few months/year from now. The best way to build trust is to trust people.

It all begins with you. First you ought to trust yourself. It would be hard to trust someone else if you do not trust yourself. Trust little more than usual. Forgive little more. Be outgoing little more. Thus, you’ll create more options in human relationship. 


Eid Mubarak!

Eid Mubarak !

Eid ul Adha – It is one of the holiest days of the year – is being celebrated across the globe.

Muslims across the world come together to mark the occasion.

Celebrations and prayers take place at mosques and Hakaniemi Arena at 9.00, with further events planned for the weekend.

According to the Wikipedia, there are 102.696 Statistics Finland (language, 2017):

Arabic language (26,467)

Somali language (20,007)

Kurdish language (13,327)

Persian language (12,090)

Albanian language (10,391)

Turkish language (7,739)

Bengali language (3,599)

Urdu language (2,983)

Bosnian language (2,322)

Punjabi language (1,028)

Chechen language (636)

Uzbek language (604)

Indonesian language (589)

Azerbaijani language (467)

Turkmen language (447)

Since Helsingin Sanomat, HBL, Metro and others do not mention anything about this Holy Day, let me say:

Eid Mubarak!