These five regimes are supporting the genocide in Palestine: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Bahrain, and Jordan.

I understand that these dictators are corrupt. They’re the products of colonialism—de facto. Throughout their history, they’ve been assistants to imperial projects: Iran (1981-86), Iraq (1990 and 2003), Afghanistan (2001), Libya (2011) to name a few.

It is true that they don’t respect divine or human laws. They don’t value human lives. They only care about power and accumulating more wealth.

What I want to know is: Where are the good and conscious people from these five countries?

You are well aware that your regimes are supporting the genocide in Gaza, Palestine. You have no excuse. It is in the news—you watch the massacres live on your screens. You also know that your officials are still trying to preserve the genocidal regime, which is collapsing.

If you don’t organise demonstrations, if you don’t participate in them, if you don’t boycott the genocidal companies, if you educate your ignorant neighbours and coworkers, if you don’t speak up, if you don’t condemn the actions and policies of your regimes, then you, too, are complicit in the genocide.

You know your regimes are corrupt, and yet you’re silent. Allah will ask you for your inaction on the Day of Judgement.


29% of young Estonians are depressed

Corporations and their de facto politicians make life hard for the majority of people in Europe. They do meaningless jobs. Most people work so hard for little money. They work with people who are not kind to them. And they spend a great deal of their time outside of their families and friends. Therefore, to soothe the hardships of their everyday lives, the majority look for escapism. They find it through holidays, entertainment, excessive sex, consumerism, food, cosmetics, and idolising celebrities. And this soothing escapism comes from high prices: they spend the little money they earn on holidays, clothes, cosmetic products, unhealthy food, drink, and entertainment.

Axmed Bahjad


Entrance to Rahma

Itäkeskus is the only international place in Helsinki, or for that matter, in Finland. There are more Somalis, Arabs, Kurdish, and Gambians than in other places in the country.

You can find delicious food, traditional tea and coffee. Rahma has tasty foods and beverages. Go there and taste some Somali food. You’ll love it.

Axmed Bahjad


Tapanila (6/09/2022).

I like the idea of spending some time in nature. It makes me feel great. I can tell that from my feelings. It’s intuitive. And now there is much research coming out indicating that it is a good idea to spend time in the forest, and gardens. A quiet time in nature has many benefits for us both long and short term. It is good for mental and physical health. In Turkey and Japan, people with stress and depression are treated through walking in nature and horse riding. In Japan, it is called forest bathing. People go to the forests to leave behind technology.

In April 2021, I reached out to Professor Qing Li by email. Professor Li is one of the three pioneers of natural healing in a scientific way. And he was kind enough to respond to my questions. Below are some of the ways to use the benefits of nature.

You can practice forest bathing through your five senses as follows:

Sense of sight: forest landscape, green colour, yellow colour and red colour, etc.
Sense of smell: special good smell, fragrance from trees,
Sense of hearing: forest sounds, bird song,
Sense of touch: Touching trees, put your whole body in the forest atmosphere,
Sense of taste: Eating foods and fruits from forests, taste the fresh air in forests.

Axmed Bahjad

I Promise To Myself

I promise to myself: I will build a healthy habit.
I will walk every day.
I will walk in my neighbourhood.
At least, I will walk 10 minutes a day.
I will take the stairs instead of the lift and escalators.
I will be fit this year. I don’t care if it is August.
I will be healthy again.
I will be thinking differently.
I will only eat friendly foods.
I will eat one meal a day.
I will be more kind to the humans in the streets.

Axmed Bahjad


Rahma Ravintola is the biggest Somali restaurant in Helsinki. It is located at the heart of Itä-keskus. It’s about 100 meters from the Itis shopping centre.

Rahma’s food is delicious and affordable. If you haven’t tried Somali foods before, then it is about time. Visit Rahma.

One of my favourite Somali foods is Samusa. It is on the top right-handside. It is absolutely delicious!

Lemon and banana

Maxamed Xirse is hiding behind the counter. He is a cool gentleman who likes to serve customers. I like his attitude toward work.

As you can see, Rahma is a clean restaurant. This section is reserved for the ladies.

This is the entrance of the restaurant. And it is for the gentlemen.

I adore the colour of the seats and tables. And the wallpaper. They’re friendly colours.

This is the playground for children.

Rahma ravintola is everything. It offers social life, playground and delicious foods and tea.

When will you visit Rahma?

Axmed Bahjad

I Walked These Streets in Helsinki


This is a street which leads to a huge park toward Munkkivuori. 


The centre was almost 5km. 


This is on the right side of my path.


This is a long street. I think it’s the longest street in Helsinki. I’ll walk through it another day from the beginning to the end, If Allah Wills. 


I went through this short street when I was coming from Mannerheiminte street toward Pasila. 


I stopped here today! It’s in Pasila.

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This photograph shows my start street to my end street. 


This is my walking journey of today! 9.26 km in total. I am going to walk every single street in Helsinki before September 2020 In Shaa Allah! (If God Wills). And it is my vision to see more people walk more often. Would you please start walking?