These five regimes are supporting the genocide in Palestine: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Bahrain, and Jordan.

I understand that these dictators are corrupt. They’re the products of colonialism—de facto. Throughout their history, they’ve been assistants to imperial projects: Iran (1981-86), Iraq (1990 and 2003), Afghanistan (2001), Libya (2011) to name a few.

It is true that they don’t respect divine or human laws. They don’t value human lives. They only care about power and accumulating more wealth.

What I want to know is: Where are the good and conscious people from these five countries?

You are well aware that your regimes are supporting the genocide in Gaza, Palestine. You have no excuse. It is in the news—you watch the massacres live on your screens. You also know that your officials are still trying to preserve the genocidal regime, which is collapsing.

If you don’t organise demonstrations, if you don’t participate in them, if you don’t boycott the genocidal companies, if you educate your ignorant neighbours and coworkers, if you don’t speak up, if you don’t condemn the actions and policies of your regimes, then you, too, are complicit in the genocide.

You know your regimes are corrupt, and yet you’re silent. Allah will ask you for your inaction on the Day of Judgement.


British spies participated in Gaza’s massacre

On Saturday, the Zionist regime and its supporters, namely, UK and US bombarded a refugee camp the centre of Gaza, Palestine. 

120 killed by those regimes, and 400 were wounded. They were civilians and mostly females and children. 

The western media offered political coverage of that massacre. And the UK and US spies bragged about their involvement. 

This is the world we’re living in. Massive crimes not only go unpunished; it is also bragged about involvement. 

It is time to say no to this inhumane and brutality regimes. It is time to change the system that has no value for human lives. 

It is time to say that the Western culture genocidal throughout history. Therefore, it is time to dismantle it once and for all. 


The world is changing swiftly.

As a result of that, the current strategic quagmire primarily comes from the political and economic shift, especially in West Asia.

It’s because the old elites don’t realise that our world is changing. They’re still making the same old mistakes and the same old tactics: wage wars and no accountability.

It is because we’re entering a new world that they’re losing militarily, diplomatically, and psychologically.

The power has shifted. Indeed, we’re experiencing the beginning of a new world.


David N. Yaghoubian, a professor of history at California State University, San Bernardino, is a true historian. He gets what happened and is happening.

“Iran has demonstrated to the world community and especially to the Global South that there are alternatives to remaining subservient to a waning hegemonic bloc,” he said.

He went on to say, “The “ironclad commitment” of the United States of America to Israeli apartheid, atrocities, and war crimes, including the April 1 missile attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, which it refused to condemn, has resulted in a large-scale retaliatory attack by Iran to simultaneously punish Israel and to announce the end of its “strategic patience” with the Zionist and American aggressors and their delusional conceptions of proportionality.”

“Operation True Promise overwhelmed Israel’s multi-layered air defences and scored direct hits on military installations involved in the illegal and cowardly Damascus attack.”

“Thus deterrence has been clearly and effectively established via this legitimate and well-deserved slap in the face of Zionism and American imperialism, hastening the trajectory of these destructive systems into the dustbin of history. By standing up to the world’s most brazen and arrogant bullies, the Islamic Republic of Iran has done humanity a favour.”

David is a professor of history. He knows what he is talking about, and history confirms that.

I conclude by agreeing with most people who said that the retaliatory action by Iran on Sunday morning has initiated a new era of accountability.

In my judgement, what the world has been missing up to this point is accountability! Bully countries could wage imperial wars, support genocide, bomb embassies, and still deny responsibilities. It is time to bring the criminals to justice and force them to respect other sovereignties and human lives.

It is time to stop unilateral violence, bullying, criminality, and impunity committed by the US, the Zionist regime, and its allies, and make the world a place where the law is respected.


I believe that we’re living in times of change. And it is good that change is coming because the world cannot sustain the road it has been travelling: injustice, oppression, genocide, land theft, deception, and arrogance—the six hallmarks of our time. Therefore, it is necessary to be part of a better world by contributing a little in order to work hard for a humane world for all of us. This new world is on the horizon.

Axmed Bahjad


Often times, the truth is not on the side of experts. The supposedly educated class gets things wrong more than they get it right, despite their claim of being experts on a subject or the people at hand.

One of the main reasons is that there is a fault in their thinking. In the first place, their knowledge and assessment are based on misconceptions. They’re biased.  And in this, they have no truth other than mere guesses. In guessing, sometimes people get it right.

In our time, there are two major sides: elites and others. Of course, elites have some of the masses, though they’re losing them day by day. The other group is commentary. They use social media. They are analysts and geopolitical experts.

Although the latter group is more credible than the elites, they guess things.

Let’s look at the hot topic of the last two days: the Iranian retaliatory action against the Zionist regime’s crime against the Iranian consulate in Syria on April 1.

All the analysts in this or that camp are guessing. One thing is for sure: They are making it much harder to know the truth. They’re guessing and missing the obvious.

Let’s look at the obvious. The Iranians planned it for 11 days. They thought about what, when, where, and what might happen afterwards.

I should start with the date. 13 is an unlucky number in Western culture; it’s not for other cultures. The Iranians chose their retaliatory mission on the 13th of April for purpose. Moreover, it was a Saturday late evening, which is another celebration day in that tradition.

I share this obvious information because I love to observe the small details of events. They are important. They usually show the genius of the plan.

The Iranians informed the neighbouring countries about the attack five hours before the actual action took place, according to the speech by the foreign minister yesterday. hy? There is a subtle tactic that involves economics and strategy. Conclusion from this statement: it was not designed to create physical damage; it was about a mass psychological move.

Iran spent $20,000, and Western empires spent a billion and a half on the economy. Iran has gained the admiration of young and middle-aged people in the region and around the world in one night. Proof of that can be found in comments, tweets, and videos on social media. That is a strategic victory!

The hundreds of inexpensive drones had two main responsibilities: The first responsibility was to distract the iron domes and track the defence equipment locations. Thus, this was about intelligence gathering.

Sun Tzu, the Chinese military genius, writes in his book “The Art of War,” “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”

In conclusion, the retaliatory attack was designed for two major reasons: psychological and strategic. And both have been achieved as far as the results are concerned.

Axmed Bahjad


The genocide in Palestine is orchestrated and supported by Britain, the US, and EU countries.

There have been 35,000 civilians killed by the Zionist regime in Gaza since October 2023; over 70,000 were injured.

Still, these Eurocentric countries hide their crimes from their own citizens. They use massive media propaganda, scholars, companies, and influencers to distort public opinions: BBC, Sky News, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, Yle, and the other usual suspects.

I see that this crime and hiding tactic has disadvantages because it opens and widens a gap between the people and the elites. And it is getting worse by the day. As an observer, people don’t trust officials.

In human nature, one cannot hide crimes. The truth will prevail. One way or another, the falsehood will be exposed.

Young people in Western countries have different worldviews. They don’t trust their officials, despite the money and education propaganda that influence their thinking.

They get their information from social media. They’ve already managed to censor Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, SnapChat, and Twitter. A few months ago, Western officials wanted to close or buy TikTok because it was outside of their censorship and was used by most young people.

Officials can lie. Officials can distort the facts. In the end, they’re only lying to themselves.

The truth is the truth.

Axmed Bahjad


Iranian football supporter in Helsinki

I woke up a couple minutes ago, and I learnt that Iran retaliated for the deaths of its seven senior military personnel and the Syrian civilians who were killed by the Zionist regime at its consulate in Damascus last week.

Hypocrites, who didn’t condemn or say anything about the terrorist attack on the Iranian embassy (consulate) in Syria, which was a violation of all principles of international law, will say something now.

The world is based on oppression. And until we, the conscious people, stand up and say no to the hypocrites who are at the helm, we’re heading in the wrong direction.

Stand for justice. Fight for peace. Say no to the oppressors who profit from imperial wars.

Axmed Bahjad


The terrorist attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus was a violation of all principles of international law. Do we live in a lawless world? It seems that way.

There is no condemnation. And there is justification for those who want to colonise the world.

This time is different. This may lead to the first and last war in the world. Foolishness, imperialism, and the hegemonic suit-wearing and short-haired ladies of the West will jeopardise world peace.

The only hope is for conscious people to dismantle the current system of governments through massive demonstrations and non-cooperation.

This is the way out.

Axmed Bahjad