These five regimes are supporting the genocide in Palestine: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Bahrain, and Jordan.

I understand that these dictators are corrupt. They’re the products of colonialism—de facto. Throughout their history, they’ve been assistants to imperial projects: Iran (1981-86), Iraq (1990 and 2003), Afghanistan (2001), Libya (2011) to name a few.

It is true that they don’t respect divine or human laws. They don’t value human lives. They only care about power and accumulating more wealth.

What I want to know is: Where are the good and conscious people from these five countries?

You are well aware that your regimes are supporting the genocide in Gaza, Palestine. You have no excuse. It is in the news—you watch the massacres live on your screens. You also know that your officials are still trying to preserve the genocidal regime, which is collapsing.

If you don’t organise demonstrations, if you don’t participate in them, if you don’t boycott the genocidal companies, if you educate your ignorant neighbours and coworkers, if you don’t speak up, if you don’t condemn the actions and policies of your regimes, then you, too, are complicit in the genocide.

You know your regimes are corrupt, and yet you’re silent. Allah will ask you for your inaction on the Day of Judgement.


As Finland is the most repugnant country in Europe for blacks and browns, we must be vigilant by paying attention to what happens in our every day life. Document, record and monitor what is going on around us, and if we see injustice, say something.

The latest European human rights report: 

I encourage you to write to your local MPs, local government and inform the police about your unpleasant experiences.

Don’t be silent!


Fra has released its human rights reports last week and Finland is the leading country of discriminating of black people. 

“In the 21st century, there is no excuse for racial discrimination. Yet black people in the EU today are still victims of widespread and unacceptable levels of discrimination and harassment simply because of their skin colour,” says FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty. “We need to stamp this out once and for all. For this, Member States need effective and targeted policies and laws to ensure black people are fully included in our society.”

I have no better way of saying it. The racial discrimination is done by the liberals and conservatives.