These five regimes are supporting the genocide in Palestine: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Bahrain, and Jordan.

I understand that these dictators are corrupt. They’re the products of colonialism—de facto. Throughout their history, they’ve been assistants to imperial projects: Iran (1981-86), Iraq (1990 and 2003), Afghanistan (2001), Libya (2011) to name a few.

It is true that they don’t respect divine or human laws. They don’t value human lives. They only care about power and accumulating more wealth.

What I want to know is: Where are the good and conscious people from these five countries?

You are well aware that your regimes are supporting the genocide in Gaza, Palestine. You have no excuse. It is in the news—you watch the massacres live on your screens. You also know that your officials are still trying to preserve the genocidal regime, which is collapsing.

If you don’t organise demonstrations, if you don’t participate in them, if you don’t boycott the genocidal companies, if you educate your ignorant neighbours and coworkers, if you don’t speak up, if you don’t condemn the actions and policies of your regimes, then you, too, are complicit in the genocide.

You know your regimes are corrupt, and yet you’re silent. Allah will ask you for your inaction on the Day of Judgement.


The world is changing swiftly.

As a result of that, the current strategic quagmire primarily comes from the political and economic shift, especially in West Asia.

It’s because the old elites don’t realise that our world is changing. They’re still making the same old mistakes and the same old tactics: wage wars and no accountability.

It is because we’re entering a new world that they’re losing militarily, diplomatically, and psychologically.

The power has shifted. Indeed, we’re experiencing the beginning of a new world.


I believe that we’re living in times of change. And it is good that change is coming because the world cannot sustain the road it has been travelling: injustice, oppression, genocide, land theft, deception, and arrogance—the six hallmarks of our time. Therefore, it is necessary to be part of a better world by contributing a little in order to work hard for a humane world for all of us. This new world is on the horizon.

Axmed Bahjad


Lots of people are becoming Palestine supporters

One of the reasons why I advise people to stop watching and reading the news is that it makes them fool. It doesn’t provide background knowledge of the subject or persons in the news.

For instance, the news talked about the killing of seven aid workers in Gaza, Palestine, by the Zionist air bombardment last Monday.

The news didn’t tell you anything about those who lost their lives or the organisation they were working for. They were working for the World Central Kitchen (WCK).

The co-founder of the WCK is a Zionist supporter. He’s supported the genocide. If you want proof of that, search his Twitter X account and read his comments in October 2023.

Three of the killed aid workers were British. Former soldiers and securities. They worked for an intelligence company in England. 

All the gathered knowledge about them, and using our intelligence, their real mission was to set up a new government in Gaza, which was in the hands of the US.

In the end, they were killed by their own friends. Imagine that! They plan, and Allah plans.


In our time, almost everyone with a camera is an analyst or expert.

I must confess: I am neither an analyst nor an expert on anything. I’m merely a student who looks at the world with a focus, historical, and realistic perspective.

I say that because there are lots of liberals and leftists saying something about which they have no knowledge. They assume things, while the right and far-right wingers are usually arrogant, so they look at things from an illusory side, so they don’t count. They don’t have perspective. Though both groups have one thing in common: they are out of touch with reality.

Here is my take. A week before the lawless attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria, the Zionist war minister was in Washington, and he and the irrational officials and supporters of the genocide in the US sat down behind closed doors in Washington and talked about war with Iran. Let’s assume that the lawless attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria last Monday was a tactic to bring Iran into the war. Let’s assume that is true for a moment.

Will Americans be ready for another twenty years? I don’t think so. They don’t even have the capability to wage war for two years. To be blunt, Iran would destroy the US within two years.

It is true that the US and EU want war. That comes from their eurocentric mentality and superiority to other races. What they realise now is that they can’t wage war. Because their military, economy, and influence have been weakened. The starting point of that was the two illegal and imperial wars they’ve waged in this century, namely, Afghanistan and Iraq. Moreover, other people: Palestinians, Iranian, Chinese, Africans, and Chinese have organised themselves and no longer accept hegemonic projects. Things are different now.

Another possibility, often overlooked, is that the terrorist attack on the Iranian embassy was about revenge for the loss in Gaza. They will tell their people that we kill more people in Palestine and Syria, and they can negotiate for prisoners. That is one of the best explanations.

I submit that neither the US nor its allies (Nato) nor the Zionist regime can wage war. If they do, they will be the real losers. Of course, only God knows what will happen.

Axmed Bahjad


Russia and Nato countries.

The great war is coming. Nato wants to start a war with Russia. And the US and Britain are using two misguided countries like Finland and Sweden as the frontier of the war.

There is a Muslim scholar of eschatology called Imran Hossein, who says that Russia will be the winner if the war takes place because he cites a Surat Rum (chapter of Rome) in the holy Quran, where Allah tells us the victory of one nation over the other.

What about Turkey? I asked while watching his lecture. After all, it is part of Nato. He answers in another video that Turkey is on the wrong side of the coming war. Moreover, it’s on the wrong side of an Islamic point of view.

If the great war takes place, it will be unlike the previous wars. To start with, it’ll be a disastrous  one for many people, animals, and the environment. In the end, the world will be a different place. Because the world cannot continue between oppressors and oppressed people. It’ll put an end to the current oppression.

Axmed Bahjad


Palestinians demonstrating.

Salaam Asala,

I love Palestinians in Palestine. I dedicated their cause to my whole blog. It is a little. Nevertheless, it helps. I educate our people who have the wrong ideas about strategies. If we Muslims and Arabs boycott companies that contribute to the genocide in Palestine, then we’ll break the aggressors’ main method: money. Thus, they won’t recruit Arab and Muslim dictators.

I see you using liberal ideology, like the majority of Palestinian females in the West. It is the liberals who have betrayed the Palestinians.

Please don’t do it. Palestinians have not been oppressed for 75 years. It was before 1917 that the British armies massacred Palestinian males. And before that, Palestinians were fighting with the Brits against the Ottoman soldiers in Gaza. Twice, the Ottomans defeated the empire and its Arab allies.

Please dig deep into history in order to correct our situation in Palestine. My point is that your liberal common phrases won’t help. Good strategy? You are a passionate public speaker, so start an organisation that knocks on the doors of Muslims and Arabs in Australia and asks them to boycott. Most won’t. Some will. And that’s success.

Axmed Bahjad


WordPress is censoring different worldviews. In this sense, it’s joining the other social media platforms that support the genocide in Gaza, Palestine. Therefore, it is time to leave it.

I have a Substack account. I will continue posting short articles on that new platform.

Axmed Bahjad


I realised that I had completed my intellectual journey when I changed how I think about myself and the world around me. An intellectual journey is similar to that of a child who is becoming independent from his parents. An eleven-year-old boy relies on emotional, intellectual, and spiritual guidance from his parents, whether they are mature or not. (By mature, I mean whether they have knowledge or wisdom.) And by the time he is 19, he walks away from his parents emotionally, physically, and intellectually.

That scenario is similar to the journey of becoming intellectually independent from others. There are times I relied on my parents, wise people in my neighbourhood, professors, writers, scholars, and theologians for guidance.

It is time for that journey to come to an end, and I will take it from there. Henceforth, I will guide myself because I have gained sufficient knowledge and wisdom. That is, if I’m confident enough to follow my own judgements and the reality of the world.

This change is more apparent in my language. I no longer use cliches, idioms, phrases, and common words because I choose words that are tailored to the nature of my talk or writing. And this forces me to think clearly and fairly beforehand.

As a result of that, I have fresh words because I think. And I focus on my daily activities: What have I done today? What did I think of today? And why?

This gives me direction. And I know where I am going tomorrow and next year.

Axmed Bahjad


Yemeni flag.

I believe that US and UK officials are irrational decision-makers. They have little understanding of international politics, let alone other religions, cultures, languages, and geography.

They haven’t thought thoroughly about their actions in Yemen. It is because they usually act irrationally. They assume that this time is going to work because of their weapons, allies, diplomatic, and economic.

And there is something called history, which tells us that those who usually think this way are disappointed. Because one event doesn’t connect to another. And the nature of the action says a lot about the outcome in the long run. Righteousness begets beauty. Colonialism produces human suffering.

Let’s understand Yemen’s position.

Yemen wants two main things:

1. It wants that the genocide in Gaza, Palestine, must stop.

2. The sixteen-year blockade must be lifted from Gaza.

And the US and the UK both want the genocide to continue: vetoing at the UN, blocking a ceasefire at the parliament, accusing the Palestinian protestors, sending more weapons, more money, instructing the journalists to make up stories (media coverage) so that the citizens of those countries will only know the official narrative, and so on.

If we have a ceasefire and lift the blockade, Yemenis will lift the blockade in the Red Sea. The rational decision would make the officials of these two countries think about these two points: will the ceasefire make the world better or not? And if we bomb Yemen, what will happen next?

Rational thinking isn’t part of the job.

Now, Yemen is fighting back because of the US and UK bombings of the last two weeks. These two colonial countries make things hard for people and jeopardise world peace.

They don’t understand how the world works, which demands peace and deliberative decision-making processes.

The world is rapidly changing, and it demands rational thinking, not the same old-fashioned Western mentality that is already decaying from within and without. Peace is the only solution to the status quo advancements we’re experiencing in our time.

Axmed Bahjad